The plural form is given before any subdivision of the entry in cases where a word does not follow a standard English pattern of plural formation (typically taking the suffix –s or –es). Where multiple plural forms occur, the more common forms are given first.
In most cases only the first two plural forms are shown by default: select Show More to see all plural forms for a specific entry.
leerboom, noun . . . Plurals: leerbooms, leerboomen
Where singular and plural forms have different prefixes, further information can be found by following cross-references in the origin information. These link to notes on plural forms found in entries for many of the common prefixes.
makatane, noun . . . Plurals: usually unchanged; occasionally makatanes. Origin: SeTswana, plural form of lekatane tsamma melon. For notes on singular and plural forms, see le- and ma- prefix2
If a headword has many plural forms as well as many singular forms, and some of these are used interchangeably in South African English, a division into groups marked ‘singular’, ‘singular and plural’, and ‘plural’ replaces a list of variant forms (although the most common plural form may still be given).