makatane, noun

mackatan, makataanShow more Also mackatan, makataan, makatan, makatani, mangatan.
usually unchanged; occasionally makatanes.
SetswanaShow more Setswana, plural form of lekatane tsamma melon. For notes on singular and plural forms, see le- and ma- prefix2.
tsamma; frequently plural.
1833 J. Archbell in A. Steedman Wanderings (1835) II. 35The houses had in them the furniture and utensils usual to the country, and a few melons (makatani).
1835 A. Smith Diary (1940) II. 38They bought skins and mackatan for barter, also a few ostrich feathers.
1900 S.T. Plaatje Boer War Diary (1973) 110Some women went out in the direction of Signal Hill to gather green makatane, etc. from their fields.
1912 A.W. Hodson Trekking Great Thirst 39There were a few makatane amongst them, which we put carefully on one side for ourselves, and the kgeñwe we cut up to give to our horses.
1913 C. Pettman Africanderisms 305Makatan, A variety of water-melon from Bechuanaland which makes splendid feeding for stock, and is now being grown in the Karoo.
c1929 L.P. Bowler Afr. Nights 110Hitherto, Piet had been forced to subsist on makatane or kgenwe, the marvellous water-melon that grows in the arid, sandy wastes of the Kalahari Desert...Without these makatanes certain areas of the Kalahari would be impenetrable to animals or people.
c1936 S. & E. Afr. Yr Bk & Guide 528Explorers during part of the year have to rely for drink upon the fruit of the Tsama, a species of melon..also known by the name of Makatan.
tsamma; frequently plural.
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