
The pronunciation of a headword is given in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) notation between forward slashes (/.../), directly below the headword.

maasbanker, noun /ˈmɑːsbaŋkə/ . . . The fish Trachurus trachurus of the Carangidae
blatjang, noun /ˈblatjaŋ/, /ˈblatʃaŋ/ . . . A tangy sauce made of dried fruit

The standard South African English pronunciation is given first followed by the most common variants. In rare cases alternative pronunciations are preceded by a question mark suggesting that the pronunciation is uncertain.

Pronunciation help for individual entries is given in a pop-up window accessed by clicking the IPA transcription below the headword. More comprehensive information can be found in the Key to Pronunciation.

Pronunciation help for individual entries is given in a pop-up window accessed by tapping the IPA transcription below the headword. More comprehensive information can be found in the Key to Pronunciation.

Supplementary pronunciation help

Additional pronunciation information may be given as part of the origin of the word (where orthography is affected), plurals (where pronunciation of plurals is distinct from singular form) or as a separate note.

yissus, interjection /ˈjəsəs/, /ˈjɪsəs/ . . . Origin: Representing the Afrikaans pronunciation of Jesus (normally pronounced /ˈjɪəsəs/, when used as an exclamation or oath
witteboom, noun /ˈvətəbʊəm/, /ˈvɪtəbʊəm/ Plurals: wittebome /ˈvətəˌbʊəmə/, and (formerly) witteboomen
brei, noun /breɪ/, /bʁeɪ/ . . . Note: The normal South African English pronunciation is /breɪ/; /bʁeɪ/ is used in imitation of the sound made by those who brei

Pronunciation may also be given for compounds and derivatives when these do not fall within the general English vocabulary.

bywoner, noun /ˈbeɪvʊənə(r)/ . . . 1. in historical contexts. A landless white tenant-farmer or foreman . . . Derivatives: Hence bywonerskap /ˈbeɪvʊənə(r)skap/ noun
karrie, noun3 /ˈkari/, /ˈkæri/ . . . 1. a. A fermented drink made of honey or prickly-pear syrup . . . 2. combinations karrie-making (objective); karriemoer /ˈkariˌmuːr/ [Afrikaans, moer leaven], any of several plants of the genera Trichodiadema, Euphorbia, and Anacampseros