quawwali, noun

qawali, quawaliShow more Also qawali, quawali, quwali, and with initial capital.
An Urdu devotional song (see quotation 1992); quawwal sense 2. Also attributive.
1971 Post 8 Aug. 27 (advt)Quawali LP, India print, R4,50...Shandar Quawali Maqabla, Various Artists...Local Print R3,75.
1972 18th Anniversary Programme (Women’s Cultural Group, Durban)If the Women’s Cultural Group has indulged in gourmet fare and uninhibited histrionics,..it has also organized high brow symposiums,..erudite Nushaeras and spell binding Quawwalis.
1976 Leader 5 Mar.In commemoration of the martyrdom of Hassan the grandson of the Prophet,..a number of persons fell into a trance while listening to various quawali singers recanting the death of the Islamic luminary.
1984 Post 11 Apr. 8Samad Shola, a name almost synonymous to Quawwali in South Africa. Samad Shola has been singing since he was 13 and acquired his taste for Quawwali singing from his late father.
1992 R. Mesthrie Lexicon of S. Afr. Indian Eng. 39Qawali,..Spirited Urdu devotional song with musical accompaniment, performed by a small group of musicians.
An Urdu devotional song (see quotation 1992); quawwal sense 2. Also attributive.
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