pampelmoes, noun

pampelmoose, pampelmousShow more Also pampelmoose, pampelmous, pamplemoes, pamplemousse, pompelmoes, pompelmouse, pompelmus, pumplemus.
Afrikaans, Dutch, Portuguese, EnglishShow more An Afrikaans form of a name for the shaddock (the more common form in Afrikaans being pompelmoes) which arose in the Dutch Indies in the 17th century, probably a compressed form of pompoenlimoes ‘pumpkin-like citron’, Dutch pompoen pumpkin + Portuguese limoes, plural of limão lemon. Cf. obsolete general English pompelmoose).
a. The usual name given to the shaddock, Citrus decumana, a large, fleshy, loose-skinned, lemon-yellow fruit with bitter-sweet taste; the tree bearing this fruit; loosely, the grapefruit or any similar citrus fruit. Also attributive.
1731 G. Medley tr. of P. Kolben’s Present State of Cape of G.H. II. 275An Indian Orange-Tree, bearing the largest Sort of Oranges; and ordinarily call’d, by the Dutch at the Cape, Pompelmus; in the West Indies, Shaddock.
1796 E. Helme tr. of F. Le Vaillant’s Trav. I. 40 (Jeffreys)The canton of the Twenty-four Rivers is the Eden of Africa where we walk through groves of pampelmoes.
1798 S.H. Wilcocke tr. of J.S. Stavorinus’s Voy. to E. Indies I. 235The pompelmoes, or shaddock, the fruit of which is one of the most wholesome, on account of its refreshing quality and taste.
1843 J.C. Chase Cape of G.H. 152We have the fruits of the warmer climates in great perfection; Chinese and Seville oranges, lemons, pamplemousses, shaddocks, limes and citrons, [etc.].
1858 T. Shone Diary. 27 Sept.Billy came to see me. I gave Him some pumplemuses to give to give to his Mother.
1892 Kameahs in Cape Illust. Mag. Nov. 90Plums, Pomegranate, Pompelmouses, Pine Apples.
1910 D. Fairbridge That Which Hath Been (1913) 134I cannot understand why your oranges and pamplemousses should grow so much finer than do mine.
1918 Hildegonda Duckitt’s Bk of Recipes (Diocesan School for Girls, Grahamstown) 108Pampelmousse Marmalade.
1933 W.H.S. Bell Bygone Days 35There were hundreds of beautiful orange trees, also lemons of several sorts, pamplemoes, citron, naartjes of most exquisite flavour, and a small and tasty fruit we used to call ‘half orange and half naartje’.
1944 J. Mockford Here Are S. Africans 45There were always dishes piled with fruit on the table — peaches, nartjies or tangerines, pears, grapes, pompelmoes or grapefruit, spanspek or muskmelon, figs, pomegranates.
1951 S. van H. Tulleken Prac. Cookery Bk 306So few know the difference between shaddock and pampelmoes. Shaddock is the very large fruit with the thick peel..while pampelmoes has much thinner peel, and is a smaller fruit, the colour exactly like those rough-skinned lemons;..the fruit has a beautiful smell.
1951 L.G. Green Grow Lovely 91The pampelmoes, which is not unlike the citrus fruit called shaddock.
1971 A. Scholefield Young Masters 128The garden was a dusty waste, the only green thing in it a pampelmoes tree that shaded one wall of the house.
1979 M. Parkes Wheatlands 45One grove consisted of very large seedling orange trees, pompelmoes and naartjie trees.
b. comb.
pampelmoes konfyt /- kɔnˈfeɪt/ [Afrikaans, konfyt see konfyt], a conserve or marmalade made of the pampelmoes fruit.
1913 J.J. Doke Secret City 396She produced sour milk and pampelmoes konfyt, ad libitum.
1930 N. Stevenson Farmers of Lekkerbat 304She treated her relations continually to fig and pampelmoes konfyt.
1977 Sunday Times 6 Nov.Lovely local delicacies in Graaff Reinet by the way — prickly pear syrup,..lucerne honey, pampelmoes konfyt.
2. The pampelmoesie, Stromateus fiatola.
1913 W.W. Thompson Sea Fisheries of Cape Col. 59 (Swart)Surely it was a Malay who named the pampelmoes, the mottled hues of whose sides bear a strong likeness to the rind of the melon beloved by the fraternity.
1934 C.P. Swart Supplement to Pettman. 133Pampelmoes,..The Cape name given to a variety of fish Stromoteus [sic] fiatola whose hues resemble those of a water-melon.
1947 K.H. Barnard Pict. Guide to S. Afr. Fishes 193Butter-fish, Blue-fish, Pampelmoes (Stromateus fiatola).
1949 J.L.B. Smith Sea Fishes of Sn Afr. 303Stromateus fiatola...Butterfish. Cape Lady. Pampelmoes. Bluefish.
1979 Snyman & Klarie Free from Sea 26Butter Fish, Cape Lady/Pampelmoes/Bluefish.
The usual name given to the shaddock, Citrus decumana, a large, fleshy, loose-skinned, lemon-yellow fruit with bitter-sweet taste; the tree bearing this fruit; loosely, the grapefruit or any similar citrus fruit. Also attributive.
The pampelmoesie, Stromateus fiatola.
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