jislaaik, interjection

jeeslike, jeslikeShow more Also jeeslike, jeslike, jess-laik, jigslaak, jislaik, jis-like, juslike, yesslik, yislaaik, yislike, yusslaik, yusslark.
AfrikaansShow more Afrikaans; ultimate origin unknown.
An exclamation conveying any of a range of feelings: wonder, delight, admiration, approval, distress, dismay, anger, reproval or regret; jis; yissus. Cf. hang interjection.
1960 D. Marais Hey! Van der Merwe (1961) (cartoon)Jislaaik! It’s been New Year’s Day for five days now. When will it be 1961?
1965 D. Marais Ag, Sis Man! (cartoon)Jislike! The old Cape Tradition is taking a beating.
1970 Forum Vol.6 No.2, 27‘Yislike, its cold in here’ he said, and slumped down heavily next to the other man.
1971 The 1820 Vol.44 No.5, 25First, let’s explain the meaning of the word ‘jislaaik’...This, in the glossary of South Africanisms, hits the jackpot in the force of its meaning. Jislaaik (pronounced yislike) is a composite of the English equivalents, super, heavens, wacko, great Scott, by George, fabulous, unbelievable, gee whiz, etc.
1978 S. Roberts in New Classic No.5, 22An ex-Police Colonel, and they set him in a back office and let him sort the post. ‘Jis-like!’ I whispered.
1980 Sunday Times 7 Dec. 40They smote each other upon the shoulders,..and uttered the ancient invocation ‘Yislaaik!’. The significance of this cry is lost in the mists of time.
1981 Fair Lady 9 Sept.When particularly impressed by Gerrie Coetzee’s left hook, they will exclaim ‘Yusslaik!’.
1989 D. Rorke in Ski-Boat Jan.Feb. 46‘Juslaaik!’ said I..‘He’s in a hurry to get to the hotel’.
1993 S. Dikeni in Cape Times 21 Aug. (Top of the Times) 17Jislaaik I miss the shebeen.
An exclamation conveying any of a range of feelings: wonder, delight, admiration, approval, distress, dismay, anger, reproval or regret; jis; yissus.
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