jag, noun

Also jacht, jagt.
Afrikaans, DutchShow more Afrikaans, earlier Dutch jacht a hunt, the chase.
A hunt. Also transferred sense (see quotation 1949), and attributive.
1826 A.G. Bain Jrnls (1949) 139Our first day’s hunt was very successful...But I must not trouble you with all the particulars of our ‘jagt’.
1910 D. Fairbridge That Which Hath Been (1913) 275The Piets and Jeans and Pierres, who sat among the older men listening to tales of trek and jacht.
1950 E. Partridge Dict. of Underworld 359Jag, the, The Turf Club races (at Cape Town); South Africa: C. 20. The Cape Times, June 3, 1946, short article by Alan Nash. Lit., ‘the Hunt’.
[1968 E.A. Walker Hist. of Sn Afr. 95So popular did elephant-hunting become that soon no borderland lass would look at a young fellow who had not been once at least op jagt.]
1977 F.G. Butler Karoo Morning 116Uncle Norman told us stories of a genre difficult to define, but they were clearly related to old Boer ‘jag stories’. They always involved man and the animal kingdom.
A hunt. Also transferred sense (see quotation 1949), and attributive.
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