Sestiger, noun

Also with small initial.
AfrikaansShow more Afrikaans, sestig sixty + suffix -er signifying ‘belonging to’.
A member of a group of Afrikaans authors and poets of the 1960s who were innovative in both theme and technique, and were influenced especially by French literature. Also attributive. Cf. Dertiger.
1968 Cope & Krige Penguin Bk of S. Afr. Verse 17The new generation of writers, loosely grouping themselves as the Sestigers (writers of the sixties) were responsible for significant developments in Afrikaans literature.
1969 Sunday Times 31 Aug. 19The Sestiger movement petered out through lack of stimulus and appreciation (though it is known that several Sestiger books remain to this day unpublished).
1970 T.T. Cloete in Std Encycl. of Sn Afr. I. 166The movement of the ‘Sestigers’, by now consciously established with its magazine.., paid particular attention to prose.
1973 Weekend Post 17 Feb. 9Mr Jan Rabie, one of the ‘sestiger’ group of writers, said..that any language that had the stigma of racialism had no future in a multiracial South Africa.
1975 Sunday Times 20 Apr. (Mag. Sect.) 14The Sestigers were a group of young writers who deliberately challenged the local tradition of petty realism and helped break down the current taboos on sex and religion.
1977 Weekend Post 25 June 1The names of leading Afrikaner academics..have emerged in the trial of ‘Sestiger’ poet and author Breyten Breytenbach.
1981 V.A. February Mind your Colour 114The white Afrikaner, who undergoes his cultural revolution under the name of ‘Sestiger’..must prove that Afrikaans is not synonymous with Afrikaner oppression and baaskap (overlordship/domination).
1988 K. Brynard in Star 28 May 11Dr John Kannemeyer, literary historian, points out that the Sestigers applied their art in an international context — they experimented with and were influenced by new literary and philosophical forms such as surrealism and existentialism.
1990 Sunday Times 29 July 20The Nasionale Pers is a formidable publishing house...There was hardly an event of significance — be it a change of government, of policy or the emergence of a new literary movement like, say, the Sestigers — in which Naspers or its people were not intimately involved.
A member of a group of Afrikaans authors and poets of the 1960s who were innovative in both theme and technique, and were influenced especially by French literature. Also attributive.
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