half-cord, noun

Dutch, Portuguese, ArabicShow more Calque formed on Dutch haalf-coord, adaptation of Portuguese albacora from Arabic al the + bukr (plural bakārat) a young camel, a heifer.
The yellowtail (sense a), Seriola lalandi.
1856 F.P. Fleming Sn Afr. 480Scomber Capensis, Cuv. and Val. (Halfcord.)...A large fish measuring from two to three feet.
1887 S.W. Silver & Co.’s Handbk to S. Afr. 184Scomber Capensis. Halfcord. Not much in request. Flesh deemed by some unwholesome.
1913 C. Pettman Africanderisms 26Albacore,..Seriola lalandii. This name, sometimes corrupted into albert-koord and half-cord, and at Somerset Strand into half-koot, is applied in South Africa to this species of mackerel; as employed..by sea-faring men generally it refers to quite another fish.
1947 K.H. Barnard Pict. Guide to S. Afr. Fishes 116Yellowtail, Albacore (Seriola lalandei)...Albacore has become corrupted in the Cape fishermen’s parlance to Half-cord.
1951 L.G. Green Grow Lovely 90It is possible..that such mysterious names as bafaro, sancord, halfcord, and kartonkel are really Malay names.
1967 E. Rosenthal Encycl. of Sn Afr. 630Yellowtail,..Albacore (corrupted to Half-cord). A highly esteemed food fish.
The yellowtail (sense a), Seriola lalandi.
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