Results List
A list of entries appears when you have used the Dictionary menu, filtered the dictionary, or performed a full-text search for all entries matching a specific keyword combination. The first 50 results are shown, sorted alphabetically by default. The total result count is given at the bottom of the page. Use the pagination buttons to navigate between pages.

Each numbered result shows the headword and part of speech along with a definition snippet. To navigate to a particular entry, click on the headword link. If an entry details compound or derivative forms of the headword, the first few are shown as red hyperlinks at the end of definition snippet.
Each numbered result shows the headword and part of speech along with a definition snippet. To navigate to a particular entry, tap on the headword link. If an entry details compound or derivative forms of the headword, the first few are shown as red hyperlinks at the end of the definition snippet.

The yellow horizontal bar shown to the right of each result is a visual representation of the date span from first to last recorded quotation for that entry. Hover your mouse over the bar to see the specific date range. When more than one meaning is treated in the same entry, a sense count appears below the yellow bar.

The date of the entry’s first recorded quotation is shown on the far right for each result. This indicates when the word entered the vocabulary of South African English, according to the evidence available at the time the dictionary entry was edited. Results can be sorted by date.