Date Range Slider
The Date Range Slider, located at the top of a results page, functions as both a visual indicator showing date span, and a control tool with which to refine the display of results.

Date range slider as visual indicator
Use this feature to gauge, at a glance, the historical span of the Results List currently in view. The visualised date span is based on the first recorded uses of the entries listed. If a filter is applied and a new set of results is returned, the date range slider automatically adjusts to show the altered dated span.
Date range slider as control tool
To refine the historical range of results, click and drag the slider’s handles horizontally, or click on the calibration markers appearing at 50-year intervals below the slider. Alternatively, specific start- and end-dates can manually be keyed into the input boxes on the left and right of the date range slider.
To refine the historical range of results, tap and drag the slider’s handles horizontally, or tap on the calibration markers appearing at 50-year intervals below the slider. Alternatively, specific start- and end-dates can manually be keyed into the input boxes on the left and right of the date range slider.
Interpreting the slider
The bright red area of the date range slider represents the historical span of the current results list.
When the slider’s handles are moved inwards, the deselected area of the date span turns pink. The pink area represents results which are potentially available, but fall outside of the currently selected date range. To include the wider span of results, adjust the handles of the slider outwards.
Areas which are white or grey indicate a zone of zero available results and cannot be accessed using the slider.