slinger, noun

Unknown (but see quotation 1953).
The seabream Chrysoblephus puniceus of the Sparidae.
The name ‘slinger’ is used for this species in Smith and Heemstra’s Smiths' Sea Fishes (1986).
1905 E. London Dispatch 21 Nov. 3Catching ten fish all ‘slingers’ totalling 35 lbs. weight, in under two hours.
1949 J.L.B. Smith Sea Fishes of Sn Afr. 272Chrysoblephus puniceus...Slinger (Natal and Mozambique). Wara-Wara (French Colonies)...Found only on the east coast of Africa, in deepish water. Most abundant off Mozambique...Smaller numbers plentiful off Durban, odd migrants reach East London, very young fishes sometimes found at Knysna.
1953 B. Fuller Call Back Yesterday 107One afternoon yet another variety, hitherto unnamed, appeared on deck...Alex..shouted, ‘Oh, never mind the names; just sling ’em aboard’. Whereupon the fish concerned became ‘The Slinger’, a name which it has retained.
1984 E. Prov. Herald 10 May 21Research into line fish...There will be comprehensive life histories of kob, elf..leervis, slinger, dageraad,..among others.
1991 Weekend Post 6 Apr. 4Size limits remain the same for..slinger (25cm).
The seabream Chrysoblephus puniceus of the Sparidae.
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