sandalwood, noun

Also sandle-wood.
EnglishShow more Transferred use of general English sandalwood a name used of several species of trees of the genus Santalum with scented wood; see quotation 1961.
The tambotie (sense 1), Spirostachys africana; the wood of this tree. Also attributive. Occasionally also with defining word, as African sandalwood, Cape sandalwood.
1850 R.G.G. Cumming Hunter’s Life II. 89Here Mollyee climbed to the summit of a sandle-wood tree to try if he could see the elephants.
1864 T. Baines Explor. in S.-W. Afr. 182Within the last few days a small tree called sandal-wood has put forth its beautiful light yellow flowers, which droop most gracefully from its long and slender twigs.
1913 C. Pettman Africanderisms 423Sandalwood, Excaecaria africana. The natives make necklaces and charms of the scented wood of this tree.
1961 Palmer & Pitman Trees of S. Afr. 239Spirostachys Africanus, Tamboti, sandalwood, jumping-bean tree.
1961 Palmer & Pitman Trees of S. Afr. 240The wood has a permanent pleasant strong smell and so, in parts of the country, has been given the name of sandalwood.
1972 Palmer & Pitman Trees of Sn Afr. II. 1157Spirostachys africana,..Tamboti, Cape sandalwood.
1987 F. Von Breitenbach Nat. List of Indigenous Trees 97Spirostachys africana,..Tamboti, African sandalwood, Jumping-bean tree.
The tambotie (sense 1), Spirostachys africana; the wood of this tree. Also attributive. Occasionally also with defining word, as African sandalwood, Cape sandalwood.
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