‖molo, interjection
- Origin:
- IsiXhosa, AfrikaansShow more IsiXhosa, adaptation of Afrikaans môre ‘good morning’. The form molo is used when addressing one person, molweni /mɔlˈweːni/ (plural suffix -eni) when addressing two or more people.
Among isiXhosa-speakers: a general greeting, ‘hello’, used when addressing one person. See also molweni.
1955 J.B. Shephard Land of Tikoloshe 17He..made a gesture of salute as he replied..‘Molo, Nkosi,’ His greeting was self-assured, dignified, and polite.
1987 M. Poland Train to Doringbult 163She wound down the window a little way. ‘Molo’, she said. Her voice was high and hoarse.
a general greeting, ‘hello’, used when addressing one person.
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