middelskot, noun

middelskotte /ˈməd(ə)lskɔtə/.
AfrikaansShow more Afrikaans, middel middle + skot intermediate payment.
An intermediate payment for a crop or wool clip, made to a farmer between the initial payment (or voorskot) and the final payment (or agterskot). Also attributive, and (occasionally) partial translation of middleskot.
1972 E. Prov. Herald 30 Sept. 8The Wool Board could consider a ‘middleskot’ to set the position right, but then only if the market trend was unchanged or improved.
1972 E. Prov. Herald 31 Oct. 6The Maize Board here announced that a middelskot (intermediate payment) of R15 per ton would be paid by the Maize Board to producers for buckwheat delivered during the 1972 season.
1972 Cape Times 9 Nov. 2Buckwheat delivered during November and December will be purchased at the ‘voorskot’ price plus the ‘middelskot’ of R15,00 per ton.
1982 Farmer’s Weekly 5 Nov. 103Producers of three oil-seeds..are receiving cheques totalling R18 million as a middelskot (intermediate payment) on their 1981-season deliveries to the Oilseeds Board...The middelskotte per ton average R45 for groundnuts, R15 for sunflower seed and R30 for soybeans.
1985 Cape Times 7 Aug.The co-operative announced yesterday that interim ‘middelskot’ payments would total more than R1,7m.
An intermediate payment for a crop or wool clip, made to a farmer between the initial payment (or voorskot) and the final payment (or agterskot). Also attributive, and (occasionally) partial translation of middleskot.
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