bleekbok, noun

South African DutchShow more South African Dutch, bleek pale + bok antelope, goat.
A steenbok of a pale colour, mistakenly believed to be a separate species; vaal rhebok sense (a), see rhebok sense 2; vlaksteenbok, see vlakte sense 2.
1786 G. Forster tr. of A. Sparrman’s Voy. to Cape of G.H. II. 223The colour of it (sc. the vlaksteen-bok) was a very pale-red or a mouse-colour,..on which account it was likewise said to be called by some the bleek-bok, or vaale ree-bok.
1839 W.C. Harris Wild Sports 386The Vlachte Steenbok (Tragulus Rufescens), and the Bleekbok (T. Pediotragus) appear to be merely varieties of this Antelope, and not distinct species.
1900 W.L. Sclater Mammals of S. Afr. I. 173Raphicerus campestris,..Steinbok, or more correctly Steenbok, Vlaktebok and Bleek-bok of the Colonists, Dutch and English.
A steenbok of a pale colour, mistakenly believed to be a separate species; vaal rhebok sense (a), see rhebok sense 2; vlaksteenbok, see vlakte sense 2.
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