ama-, prefix
An isiXhosa, isiZulu, and isiNdebele plural noun prefix found in some words originating in these languages. Cf. ma- prefix3. For examples, see amadoda (indoda), amajaha, and amakwenkwe (inkwenkwe).
- Note:
- In Xhosa, Zulu, and Ndebele, the singular of words beginning ama- is formed by replacing this prefix with i-, ili-, or in-. In South African English this pattern is not always observed: words in the plural forms are sometimes treated as singular nouns, an -s being added to form the English plural; at other times, the unprefixed form of the word is used with or without plural -s. See also i-, ili-, im-, and in-.
An isiXhosa, isiZulu, and isiNdebele plural noun prefix found in some words originating in these languages.
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